site_name: Docs site_url: repo_url: repo_name: thest1tch/docs edit_uri: edit/main/docs/ nav: - Привет!: - 🐳 Docker: - Подготовка: - Install: - В начале: - Traefik: docker-compose/ - Traefik Forward Auth: docker-compose/ - Сервисы: - Linx Server: docker-compose/ - Samba: docker-compose/ - Redis: docker-compose/ - MotionEye: docker-compose/ - Media Server: - Plex: docker-compose/ - Plex Meta Manager: docker-compose/ - Plex Trakt Sync: docker-compose/ - Ubuntu 22: - HPE: - Management Component Pack: ubuntu/hpe/ - MariaDB: ubuntu/ - Telegraf: ubuntu/ - Docker+UFW: ubuntu/ - Монтирование CIFS: ubuntu/ - Proxmox: - CT Template: proxmox/ - Помойка: - SSL для сайта: other/ - Ubuntu bash aliases: other/ - ТСД: - Прошивка MC9090 на CE7.0: - other/tsd/ - Переустановка ОС: other/tsd/ - Настройка ТСД: other/tsd/ - Сеть: - Mikrotik: - Wireguard: network/mikrotik/ - Блог: - Начальная: blog/ - Traefik FA: blog/posts/ theme: name: material #custom_dir: overrides language: ru #logo: images/site/logo.png favicon: images/assets/favicon.png icon: repo: simple/gitea logo: fontawesome/regular/folder-open palette: # Palette toggle for automatic mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/brightness-auto name: Авто # Toggle light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default #primary: blue #accent: teal toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Испепели мои глаза! # Toggle dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate #primary: blue #accent: teal toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Я люблю свои глаза! font: code: Jet Brains Mono features: #- navigation.instant #- navigation.sections # prevents collapsible sections - navigation.indexes # section index pages - navigation.expand #expands sections by default - navigation.tabs - navigation.tabs.sticky - - navigation.pruning - navigation.path - search.suggest - search.share - content.code.annotate - content.code.copy - header.autohide - announce.dismiss - toc.follow # insiders only # - search.suggest plugins: - search: lang: - ru - en - glightbox - blogging: dirs: # The directories to be included - blog markdown_extensions: - abbr - admonition # enables coloured blocks mid article - attr_list # improves image handling - pymdownx.details # enables collapsible admonitions - footnotes - meta # adds support for front matter - toc: permalink: false toc_depth: 3 - pymdownx.highlight: # code highlighting linenums: true - pymdownx.tabbed: # enables tabs for embedded blocks alternate_style: true - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences # allows for the nesting of code blocks inside other blocks - pymdownx.keys copyright: 2023 © TheSt1tch - Licensed under GPLv3 extra: status: new: Recently added deprecated: Deprecated