--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build-home-docs steps: - name: build main image: squidfunk/mkdocs-material:9.1.17 pull: if-not-exists volumes: - name: site path: /site commands: - pip install -U -r ./requirements.txt - mkdocs build - cp -r site/ /site - chown 1000:1000 /site - chmod -R 777 /site when: event: - push branch: - main - name: build states image: git.st1t.ru/thest1tch/mkdocs-material:latest pull: if-not-exists volumes: - name: site path: /site commands: - mkdocs build - cp -r site/ /site - chown 1000:1000 /site - chmod -R 777 /site when: event: - push branch: - states/* - name: telgram_notify image: appleboy/drone-telegram when: status: #- success - failure settings: # The secrets below can be entered from the Drone UI for this repo token: from_secret: telegram_token to: from_secret: telegram_chat_id format: markdown message: > {{#success build.status}} ✅ Build #{{build.number}} of `{{repo.name}}` succeeded. 📝 Commit by {{commit.author}} on `{{commit.branch}}`: ``` {{commit.message}} ``` 🌐 {{ build.link }} {{else}} ❌ Build #{{build.number}} of `{{repo.name}}` failed. 📝 Commit by {{commit.author}} on `{{commit.branch}}`: ``` {{commit.message}} ``` 🌐 {{ build.link }} {{/success}} volumes: - name: site host: path: /opt/appdata/mkdocswiki - name: site-st1tru host: path: /opt/appdata/nginx/st1t.ru